Photography by: Chris Bauer
Tyler Wait is a creative. From creating brand identity to creating music he seems to always be moving. When it comes to creating music prepare to have your eardrums recognize a sound that some might say could kill. Tyler was an original guitar player in the band Icon & Anchor who just a few months ago played their farewell tour going to Nashville and back. The band decided to officially call it quits on Saturday, November 21, 2015. And no better place to have the farewell show than at F.U.B.A.R. St. Louis. After so many fans requested a show with the original line up it was bound to happen. I talked to Tyler about the farewell show and the great times one can have playing in a local band. Take a listen and enjoy the interview with Tyler Wait.
Ok you ready
Tyler Wait-
In the time you’ve played with I&A how many shows do you think you’ve played?
Tyler Wait-
Oh man, I wish I had a list. If I had to guess, I’d say 75-100? I have no idea How accurate that is haha
Ok so do your best with this one. What was your favorite venue to play? Who had the best sound?
Tyler Wait-
Before it closed down, we played the Muse in Nashville, TN a few times. We always had an incredible turnout there, so it was a lot of fun. If we’re talking about sound, I think we’ve had good luck at Fubar. Our relationship with those guys was great, so I like to think that they put a lot of effort into mixing us.
It’s been a while, so I’m probably forgetting “the best.” Haha
It’s always a shame when a music venue shuts down. Especially one that had a good sound crew. Have you heard about the new venue the Pageant is opening? How do you think that will affect the Stl music scene?
Tyler Wait-
To be honest, I’m totally oblivious to most of what’s going on in the St. Louis music scene these days. The Pageant is one of my favorite spots, so I’m sure it will be cool. I think having a new venue around will be exciting for St. Louis bands/artists/fans.
I’m trying my best to stay on top of things. I’m totally down for a new venue though! I can’t wait to see who comes! What was your most memorable show? Like the craziest shit to having an opening act blow your mind or something…
Tyler Wait-
My most memorable I&A show? Or just in general?
Most memorable I&A show then your personal favorite
Tyler Wait-
Mayhem Festival is definitely my most memorable. Having the opportunity to play with bands like Slipknot and Slayer was unreal. I was totally blown away by how many people actually cared to stop by the Sumerian Records stage and check us out while Anthrax was playing on the next stage over. It might sound stupid, but it’s definitely one of my proudest moments.
And personal favorite?
I mean like a show you went to that you didn’t play
Like did you get to see David Bowie live or anything crazy?
Tyler Wait-
I got to see Failure recently. I never thought I’d have the opportunity to see them (or hear a new record, for that matter). They were flawless. Failure is one of the best bands of all-time and totally underrated.
So what’s it like playing a farewell show? No 10 year reunion planned down the road??
Tyler Wait-
Haha, it was really cool to see that people still cared. We all missed playing together, and people really seemed to miss watching us. We never officially “broke up,” things just fizzled out. For us, this was closure. On top of that, it was a way for us to show our appreciation for everyone who supported us over the years. We needed a proper farewell show with the original lineup and honestly it couldn’t have been better.
That’s great man! Im glad you guys were able to create. Ill go ahead and end it here. I don’t want to keep you too long. This is a great interview though!
Oh maybe one last thing
What’s on your playlist? Or what radio station are you listening to on Spotify? Is there anything you want the viewers to check out?
Tyler Wait-
I’ve been listening to a lot of hip-hop/rap lately. Some current favorites: Earl Sweatshirt, Vince Staples, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Pusha T.
Yeah I’m in the same boat. Hip-hop for me right now too
thanks again Tyler!
Tyler Wait-
Thanks for interviewing me! Great questions. It was fun!
You’re welcome homie! Be sure to go give Exist Magazine a like too!!
Tyler Wait-
Will do!
take it easy!
Tyler Wait-
Definitely! You too man